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Recovery Programme

Cute little newborn baby and his mother with a scar after C-Section on her belly.jpg


C-Section Recovery is challenging for many women and a deeper approach is required to ensure that their recovery is truly an inside-out affair. Just like the Diastasis Recti client, there needs to be a deep assessment of the woman’s core strength and connection and then a programme involving hands on massage therapies, nutrition, scar tissue release, postural re-alignment work before we finally get to the ‘core restoring’ exercise part of the puzzle. C-Section moms

simply need more help and the HCR® Coaches are deeply trained to assist you in your deep recovery and return to awesome, fully functional abdominals. No matter how long ago you experienced a C-Section type incision and for whatever reason, if you are experiencing discomfort, the C-Section Recovery

Programme will probably give you the freedom and better looking tummy, that you thought wasn’t possible ever again.

In the UK nearly 1/4 of births are via C-Section and many more women experience the procedure throughout their lives for other gynaecological procedures yet there is no real guidance on how to heal successfully from such a major procedure and successfully reconnect to the core never mind deal with the soft-tissue issues (adhesions and scar tissue) that arise from these types of procedures. And thanks to the continual rise in gynaecological conditions that require entry to the Pelvic Cavity via the C-Section procedure and the rise in Hysterectomy for the menopausal woman, the need for an holistic programme that addresses the need for a growing and sizeable portion of any countries female population is way overdue. And with not a sit-up in sight, this is all about healing INSIDE OUT and smart, modern movement programming to get your Core ‘fit’ and functioning again! The emphasis is squarely on these fundamental pillars that help us to create a BESPOKE programme for you! No one-size fits all here!


Do you feel disconnect to your tummy and Pelvic Floor since your C-Section?

Do you have a painful or uncomfortable C-Section scar that you want to free?

Does your scar hurt after any lifting or an exercise session?

Have you noticed a change in your bowel movements since your C-Section?

Are you a woman who wants to know more about her Pelvic Floor, Core and overall


Have you experienced the odd leak when jumping, running, laughing or sneezing and

know that that’s a sign that you need to take control of your Pelvic Health?

Do you have ‘lower back pain’ issues that you’ve been told is due to a ‘weak Core’?

Do you want a better looking belly but know it’s an inside out job so need to go deeper

and work smarter than just doing ‘sit-ups’?


If you’ve answered YES to any of the above questions, book your initial 90 minute appointment!



Our personalized program is designed to help you heal and regain strength after surgery, with a focus on gentle breathing exercises, pelvic floor reconnection, scar tissue massage to help release any tight scar adhesions, ease discomfort and improve and lift the C-Section over hang. 


All appointments are with Sarah in a positive, comfortable, caring and supportive environment. 
Let us help you on your journey to postpartum recovery and start your healing journey today.

Your initial appointment will help determine what course of treatments are a good fit and allow you to discuss your goals and expectations with Sarah.


This is what you can expect during your first visit. 


  • Assessing Your Goals and Expectations and hands on treatment. During your appointment, we will discuss your specific goals and expectations for the treatment. We will also review your medical history to ensure you are a suitable candidate. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions or voice concerns about the treatment.

  • Evaluating your needs. To understand your unique needs better and develop a personalised treatment plan, we will evaluate your health and wellness history. This assessment helps Sarah tailor the treatment to your needs, ensuring optimal results.

  • Discussing Treatment Options. At The Female Health Practitioner we specialise in Lymphatic Drainage, Scar Massage Therapy, Pelvic Health, Post Operative Recovery, Therapeutic Coaching, Rehabilitation and Women’s Health at all life stages. At your appointment, we will discuss the benefits of these and explain how your personalised plan works, including the number of sessions advised to achieve your desired results.

  • Providing a Cost Estimate. The cost of treatments can vary based on appointment types and lengths. I will provide a personalised cost estimate based on your specific treatment plan during your consultation.

  • Scheduling Your Treatments. When you decide to move forward with a course, I will help you schedule your treatment sessions. I will also provide pre-treatment instructions to ensure you are fully prepared for your  journey.





We believe in providing transformative therapeutic treatments and coaching services that inspire and motivate women to live their best life. We do this through developing and sharing authentic goals and encouraging deep personal engagement. We want to see all of our clients reach their full potential and live their lives full of love, fun, confidence and joy. 

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